Monday, September 12, 2016

Crazy Like That

Y'all, my parents!!! These two are crazy!!! 

With a couple of stops, I got home from work and class at 9:30pm. 

I packmule my body with all of the stuff from my car, struggling to get it all strapped to myself in one trip. I let myself into the garage. 

There, parked in the dark garage, inside the car, the doors and windows closed, with the glow from the car radio illuminating them, are my parents. 

#TheSilverFox says, "We were neckin'. Glad he got his pants back on before you walked in the door."

"Uh-huh," #RealLifeSuperman chuckles, "Not likely. We were finishing our book on tape."

These two have a stereo! These two have an entire house to sit together to finish their #BookOnTape!! But, they choose to sit in the car together like a couple of teenagers in love! 

A few months ago, he accompanied her to a doctor's appointment. The doctor asks them, "How long have you been together?"

My Dad is the first to respond, "Thirty-nine years of marriage, plus four years of dating - not nearly enough time yet." 

#NotNearlyEnoughTime #CrazyLikeThat

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