Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Oh My God, Averill! Your Legs!!

This morning, with her back turned toward me  a coworker was talking to her supervisor. Just as I stood-up to walk away from my cubicle she turns to face me and exclaims, "Oh My GOD, AVERILL! YOUR LEGS!!"

Now, I know this coworker. She is always making slick, unnecessary comments about my work clothes and my lunch-break exercise clothes. She usually turns me in to her supervisor for my clothing. Her supervisor goes and tells it to my supervisor. Then, I get told my skirts are too short. I am not Bridget Jones; I did not forget my skirt. 

So, when this coworker makes her comment, I know she is about to tell on me because she thinks my mini-dress is too short. 

However, this morning I was on the ball. I knew it was coming. I immediately responded to her, "Oh my gosh!" A smile naturally spreads across my entire face, "Thank you so much for noticing all of the hard work I've been putting into my exercise." 

I walk away. 

#MicDrop #HighFiveBitches #ThoseLegsThough #ConfidentlyAwesome #ExerciseMotivation #ICan

1 comment:

  1. Your coworker is so out of line. You be you.
