Saturday, August 17, 2013

Irish Wake and Family Photos Recreated

On August 16, 2013 my family gathered to celebrate the life of Gramma Rose and to have her ashes interned. A small service was held and the family made our way out to the cemetery. Although I thought it was going to be a very sad day, it was actually quite nice.

After the ceremony we had some fun, an Irish wake. Here are few of the photos:

After the funeral the entire family gathered for a shot of Aberlour. Uncle K relaxed back with a cigar after the toast and shot.

The Silver Fox, "remember my name you'll be screaming it later."

Then, we had to recreate old family portraits. 

1987 or 1988, from top clockwise: Averill, EngineerBrother, Kimberly, MarineBrother, Colleen, and Kristin

2013, from top clockwise: Averill, EngineerBrother, Kimberly, MarineBrother, Colleen, and Kristin

2001, top row: Kimberly, middle row: Averill, Kristin, EngineerBrother, bottom row: Colleen, and MarineBrother

Of course, we had to make new portraits.

Top: Averill and J2, middle row: Tom, Kristin, Chris, Kimberly, D, EngineerBrother, bottom row: Colleen, Nelson, MarineBrother, and Nicole

The celebration of life is good times with great company!

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